These words are for the back cover of my book – but would they entice you to read it?
“Now married, we threw caution and condoms to the wind – not literally, that’d be littering – expecting the magic baby to appear. You know, the one that rocks up the first time you have unprotected sex, carried by the optimism stork. We were excited and waited, patiently…
Then impatiently…
Later somewhat forlornly…
We tried pillows and pee sticks, fertility experts and dousing (we didn’t), then arrived in the Land of Adoption. After years of going nowhere, two toddlers made us four practically overnight and we had to pedal faster than Bradley Wiggins to catch up.
And Then There Were Four is an unforgettable, unputdownable rollercoaster through the hilarious highs and pass-the-gin-now-the-tissues lows of infertility, adoption and parenting.
“One of the most beautiful love stories I’ve ever read. Emma dumps you right into her emotional experience, yet writes with such lightness as to keep your spirits up. This book is like your favourite pastime; time flies by unnoticed because you are so engrossed by the story. Delightful. Heart-filled.” Pam Burrows
“The bittersweet ambiance of this book grabs you very, very quickly: it’s hard not to get caught up in the moment, in the flow, in the too-painful-to-bear beauty of it. It’s written from the heart, raw and chatty . . . and what a heart!” Simon Raybould
“This book will strike a chord with any parent. It’s utterly compelling, witty and beautiful, achingly sad, and packed full of love.” Sarah Fox
“That’s not how I remember it.” Andy Sutton (husband)”
If you read these words on the back of a book, as you rifled through the bestsellers in a bookshop or on Amazon, would you want to read more?
These are the umpty-eighth draft of the back cover of my book “and then there were four” and I would love to know what you think of them…
Did it grab you? Make you laugh? Give you a hint of the stories within?
Let me know in the comments section below…