(in response to http://nibblesandbubbles.co.uk/letter-to-their-foster-carers)
Dear Emma and Andy
Your letter described the events so well, just as we felt and experienced them, it took us back to those moments, as we relived the memories and now we’re in floods of tears.
Parting with the children was the hardest thing we have ever had to do as a couple and we will always love them, yet knowing that they had the best parents they could have had, eased our pain. Thank you for promising we would see them again, even if none of us were sure we ever would. We couldn’t be happier that Nibbles and Bubbles love and are loved by their mummy and daddy. As you have found for yourselves, they are so easy to love, they’re simply adorable.
Finding you two was the best thing that happened to these children; you are amazing parents. We are more than happy; we are privileged and honoured to have been a part of their lives and we wouldn’t have changed a thing.
We sincerely thank you from the bottom of our hearts for allowing us to be in their lives, you will always be our special family.
Thank you Emma, for your honesty and for writing this story so beautifully.
With much love
Ken and Mary