When a clinical psychologist and renowned expert on P.A.C.E and therapeutic parenting emailed me with some comments on my original P.A.C.E. Poster (now removed to avoid confusion), I listened. Kim Golding thanked me for raising the profile of PACE and had some thoughts as to how to improve it and where I might have misunderstood the principles. She generously gave her time and ideas to update and rephrase some of the words and images, and also sent me a copy of her book to read.
Being a goody two-shoes type, I digitally recreated a New Improved poster, because editing the handdrawn version took four hours. The core principles remain the same (note: these are my interpretations of these four principles):
- Playfulness – having a light-hearted attitude
- Acceptance – unconditional acceptance of the child, if not their behaviour
- Curiosity – using “I wonder” statements to help them express and explore their feelings
- Empathy – matching and mirroring their emotional state to help them feel understood
But PACE is not a strategy to change behaviour (as Kim wrote in her email):
rather it is a way of being (an attitude) which helps mistrusting children to feel more secure. When PACE is used as a strategy, the acceptance is lost.
This version of the PACE poster draws on the following books that I have personally read:
- Creating Loving Attachments; Parenting with PACE to Nurture Confidence and Security in the Troubled Child, by Kim S Golding and Daniel A Hughes
- Everyday Parenting with Security and Love; Using PACE to Provide Foundations for Attachments by Kim S Golding
Kim would also recommend the following books if you would like to find out more:
- Attachment Focused parenting, by Dan Hughes
- Building the Bonds of Attachment (3rd ed) by Dan Hughes
Donate and Download
This poster has taken a great deal of time and effort to produce, so please make a donation before downloading it. If you want an A3 poster version, get in touch using the link below or comments box to order one.
Individuals for Private Use ONLY: Please leave a donation (to Red500 Ltd using paypal) before downloading a high quality PDF version of the new improved PACE poster here.
Schools and Organisations: Please contact me to purchase the rights to print a poster for your walls, for handouts or other uses.
Please do not distribute without prior permission or host this image on your website.
Interested in introducing your fab poster into our school.